
Entries by Marc Johnson

On What Kind of PLC Journey Are You: Learning...or Doing?


Becoming a PLC is a journey of transformation. It requires that we nurture and cultivate a collaborative culture anchored around a shared commitment of one thing: learning. However, it is amazing how many times I see folks engaged in what they believe to be the work of a collaborative team in a professional learning community. Yet, through their conversations about their work, they demonstrate the only thing that has really changed is what they call their meeting time. Read more

Are You On A “Learning By Labeling” Journey?


You can call your goat a chicken, but you won’t be eating eggs for breakfast! You may be thinking…what the heck does that mean? Quite simply put, changing the label does not change the outcome! We all should be able to agree with that statement, and yet, I am amazed at how many times I encounter settings where labels change, but practice does not. Read more

“We Used to Do PLCs. Now We’re Doing Common Core!”


Recently while attending a gathering of educators, I overheard a conversation between two teachers with one declaring, “Last year, we were doing professional learning communities, but this . . . Read more

Collaboration on a Broader Scale: Partnering With Higher Education to Build Capacity


One of the three big ideas of a professional learning community is building a collaborative culture. We build collaborative teams and relationships within our organizations to increase our . . . Read more