Palmetto High School (2024)

  1. PLC Story
  2. PLC Practices
  3. Achievement Data
  4. Awards
  5. Resources

Palmetto High School (PHS) is the heart of the rural community in Williamston, SC. We serve approximately 1,000 students, many of whom have parents and grandparents who attended PHS, from several small towns that surround the school. We know our community and the challenges it faces, many of which have worsened in the last several years. As poverty rates increased, graduation rates dwindled; when it hit 85.3% for the 2017-2018 school year, we knew we needed a better way to reach all of our students. We looked at our school’s mission to “Strive Ever Upward” and understood that this was not just for our students; it was for us as well. We needed something that would help us to grow better and stronger in what we do to serve our students. That was when the district sent a team of administrators to a Solution Tree conference—and we knew that the PLC process was exactly what we needed.

As the 2018-2019 school year began, the administration introduced the concept of PLCs as a way for teachers to work together continuously to improve the climate and culture of PHS and to increase the academic achievement of all learners. Our mission  to “Strive Ever Upward” was given a new vision to guide it: ensuring that all students are learning at high levels. We began by studying the Four PLC Guiding Questions and diving deep into what they really meant for our students: What do we expect students to learn? How will we know if students are learning? How will we respond when students do not learn? How will we respond when students learn?Almost immediately, it became apparent that we needed a guaranteed and viable curriculum in each discipline. Professional learning teams began the process of selecting essential standards, creating learning targets, discussing best practices, developing unit plans, creating common formative and summative assessments, and planning to intervene when students didn’t learn and extend when they did. We began to understand the importance of collecting common data from assessments and using it to assess learning, guide instruction, and identify strengths and weaknesses in teaching practices. It was a bumpy road, but we felt proud in having taken the first steps in a long journey that we believed would end in success.

In the summer of 2019, several staff members attended professional development led by Luis Cruz to learn more about the PLC process; they became the inaugural members of the school’s Guiding Coalition (GC). They returned excited and full of ideas about how PHS could build on what they had begun during the previous school year. The GC believed that we had a solid foundation on what we expected students to learn and how we would know if they were learning, so we needed to focus specifically on how to respond when they learned and when they did not. Another problem soon became apparent: the daily schedule did not include time for students to receive intervention and extension. We decided to move all students to one lunch, a “Stampede Hour” that would give us the time we needed, and we planned to implement that after Spring Break. Unfortunately, the school year was cut short because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and our PLC process mostly came to a halt. With the remainder of the school year hanging in the balance, teachers had to approach collaboration through phone calls and zoom meetings in order to guarantee that students were still receiving the best education possible. 

As the 2020-2021 school year began, teachers were energized to be back in the building with most of our students and were excited to get back to the PLC process as they worked in the “new normal” of teaching online and in person at the same time. 

While this year brought its own set of challenges through a hybrid teaching model with some students remaining at home and receiving instruction virtually, teachers again focused on the four PLC guiding questions with special emphasis on questions 3 and 4. While the school year looked different, teachers maintained the level of rigor in the classroom and found ways to intervene and extend learning despite the circumstances. 

With students and staff able to return to a sense of normalcy for the 2021-2022 school year, the goal became for teams to refine the guaranteed and viable curriculum through the development of unit plans based on the REAL criteria (Readiness, Endurance, Assessed, Leverage). We quickly discovered that our teams needed additional support in identifying essential versus supporting standards. Our Thriving Thursday faculty meetings were focused on helping teachers identify the non-negotiables in their curriculum and to begin forming common summative assessments (CSAs). As teams successfully developed unit plans and CSAs, the next step was to create common formative assessments (CFAs). This would be the focus of work done over the summer and into the next school year.

The 2022-2023 school year began strong with focused attention on collaborative practices, collective inquiry, and building shared knowledge. Our SMART Goals continued with creating our guaranteed and viable curriculum, but also expanded to include data-driven instruction and implementation of best practices for intervention and extension. The Guiding Coalition was revitalized and a new schedule was implemented to include TALK Time (Teachers Advancing Learning for Kids) which allows teachers to meet with their collaborative teams every Wednesday in order to compare data and determine what to do when students are learning, and what to do when they are not. This time is intentional and it is protected because we recognize the importance of providing teachers with this opportunity during the school day. For those teachers who do not have a curriculum partner in the building (singletons), they are able to meet with teachers at other schools within our district in order to engage in the professional learning team process. Additionally, we added a FLEX time on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday into our schedule so that all students have supplemental time with their teachers to receive the necessary intervention or to extend learning that has already occurred. The new schedule has allowed teachers unencumbered time to analyze data, plan for student outcomes and truly delve into the four PLC questions to ensure that all students are learning at the highest levels. 

As we look to the future, our staff is committed to the PLC process because we know that our students deserve our very best, and we are at our best when we are continuously working together to improve student learning. The PLC process has given us an avenue to continuously teach, evaluate student learning, intervene, and extend learning, which in turn allows us to strengthen our relationships because students know that their success is important to us and we refuse to let them fail. We believe that all students are capable and can succeed if they feel supported, which is why we focus on building relationships with our students, their families, and the community as a whole. We will continue to “Strive Ever Upward” as we enter the next phase of our PLC journey and we work to guarantee that all of our students are loved, supported, and are learning.

1. Monitoring student learning on a timely basis.

Monitoring of student learning at Palmetto High School occurs through Common Formative Assessments (CFA) and Common Summative Assessments (CSA) given within a teaching-assessing cycle. Collaborative teams establish learning targets from their essential standards that will be the focus of the CFA. After students are assessed, the collaborative team analyzes the data student-by-student as well as target-by-target. This enables teachers to see both common mistakes and individual needs. This is where teachers can decide how they should intervene or extend students’ learning. Teachers can use this information to adjust their unit pacing as well as their lesson plans to include response days, if necessary, or to drive how their FLEX Time will be used. FLEX Time is a 45 minute period built into our school day where students return to one of their classes for additional time with their teachers. This time can be used for Tier II Intervention or extension activities. There are many different ways in which teachers use data from CFAs to meet the needs of their students. Teachers can implement whole group instruction, small group instruction, or cooperative learning groups during class time while other students work on extension activities or additional practice. As CFAs can address one or multiple learning targets, teachers can have multiple CFAs throughout the course of a unit. Teachers can use data from the CFAs to establish readiness for the end of unit CSA. If proficiency is not met on CFAs, teachers will use intervention strategies to ensure proficiency is met before the end of unit CSA is given. 

At the end of each unit of study, collaborative teams give a CSA. The teams analyze the data from CSAs and those students who do not show proficiency are required to take part in Tier II intervention during FLEX Time. Students can also attend the After School Program to have concentrated time to study or complete reinforcement activities. The teaching-assessing cycle varies a bit by subject. Collaborative teams meet once a week for one hour to plan their units, review CFA data, and plan their interventions. This time is also used to align data to team’s SMART Goals. These goals are set by collaborative teams for their students, their curriculum team, and their courses. These goals are specific, measurable, and timely. As the year progresses, these goals allow for reflection on current practices, effectiveness of CFAs and CSAs, and are used to guide planning for future courses. 

2. Creating systems of intervention to provide students with additional time and support for learning.

When Palmetto High School’s Freshman Academy was created, their bell schedule allowed for a period of time in the school day to be devoted to intervention. This period was called Academic Enhancement, and this is where the majority of Tier II intervention took place. Due to conflicts with the Career Center, the main school was unable to build in such a period. This resulted in relying heavily on the After School Program, lunchtime, and before school hours to intervene with students. The need for a block of time built into the school day for intervention was evident, so in the 2019-2020 school year it was decided that the next year would include Stampede Hour. Stampede Hour was to be in the middle of the day and include lunch. Teachers could use this time to pull students for one-on-one intervention or small group instruction and  students could use this time to make up missing assignments or get extra help. Unfortunately, with the new protocols in place for COVID, it was not possible to implement Stampede Hour.

During the 2021-2022 school year, the need for time during the school day for focused intervention was glaring, paired with a need for dedicated, protected time for collaborative teams to work together. Through administration and the Guiding Coalition, it was decided that the next year’s schedule would include not only a FLEX Time, but also TALK Time. This change was approved by our district office, and the career center was able to change their schedule to accommodate this change as well. FLEX Time is a 45 minute period built into our school day where students return to one of their classes for additional time with their teachers. This time falls between 2nd and 3rd block, and students report to their 1st block class on Mondays, 2nd block on Tuesdays, 3rd block on Thursdays, and 4th block on Fridays. Teachers can request that students be sent to their class on other days as well, if there is a pressing need. To manage the movement of students between classes, PHS uses e-hallpass. This tool enables teachers to request students be sent to their rooms either by an Appointment Pass or Teacher Proxy pass. Students can also use this to request to go to teachers if they know they have missing work or need extra help in a subject. PHS has also moved to using e-hallpass as our bathroom pass manager. E-hallpass times students as they are moving, be it to another teacher or gone to the restroom. This has drastically cut down on students lingering in the hallways when they should be in class. Using this system, we can also see how many times a student has left classes all day long, and this allows us to track trends with students. 

There is no FLEX Time on Wednesdays which allows for an adjusted schedule that releases students at 2:25 instead of 3:15. This is our TALK Time (Teachers Advancing Learning for Kids) where collaborative teams have time to meet, work on CFAs and CSAs, and review student data in real time. Each department (Math, Science, English, Social Studies, Foreign Language, CATE, and Related Arts) all meet together to align vertically. After meeting as a whole, collaborative teams or partners all break off to discuss their classes and data. Teachers are expected to bring their data to each and every meeting so that collaborative partners can ensure that our guaranteed and viable curriculum is being implemented. These changes are brand new for the 2022-2023 school year, and while there are still some hiccups to work out, these times have radically changed how our teachers use collaborative data to plan their student interventions. 


3. Building teacher capacity to work as members of high performing collaborative teams that focus efforts on improved learning for all students.

At Palmetto High School, one of our collective commitments is to “work collaboratively in teams with collective responsibility for placing a high emphasis on student learning”. When the focus of PHS shifted to effective teacher collaboration, school leadership and teachers all saw the need for a shift from the traditional hierarchy to that of a Guiding Coalition (GC). Our GC is a team of stakeholders from each facet of our school who are committed to guiding the school’s work by leading the PLC process. A set of Collective Commitments was created through a subgroup of teachers and stakeholders.  These Collective Commitments align with our Mission and Vision and were approved by the GC. These collective commitments exemplify our school’s commitment to work collaboratively and to always place student learning at the forefront of all of our work and efforts. The Guiding Coalition currently meets a minimum of once a month to research best practices, create and implement school wide professional development, and to share and assist collaborative team successes and barriers. Our classroom teachers meet once a week during our TALK Time. This time is split between vertical alignment and collaborative team time. This time is protected after students are dismissed early on Wednesdays. During TALK Time, administrators, Interventionists, Instructional Technologists, and Instructional Coaches attend collaborative meetings to offer support and monitor the process. Our goal in everything we do is to further student learning by working collaboratively.


Achievement Data Files

Additional Achievement Data

Data Rationale:


Underclassmen - TAB


EOC Data

The End of Course Exam (EOC) is a statewide exam administered throughout a student’s high school career at the conclusion of specific core courses. One exam exists per core content area that counts 20% of the student’s overall average for the specific course.

  • PHS transitioned upperclassmen from an AB yearlong schedule to a 90-minute block (semester) schedule during the 2021-2022 school year.  In addition, a FLEX period was implemented so that all students are provided a 45-minute session four times a week that affords students the opportunity to receive Tier 2 intervention within the school day. During one of the four FLEX days, teachers are not assigned students so that at least once a week, teachers have time within the school day to provide Tier 3 intervention for targeted students. Additionally, students dismiss 45 minutes early on Wednesdays so that teachers have time within the school day to work in collaborative teams. Students who are unable to be picked up early on Wednesdays or who utilize bus transportation are housed in the cafeteria with non-certified staff who require students to complete missing assignments. 

  • During the 2023-2024 school year, the Freshman Academy transitioned from a 7-period daily schedule to a 90-minute block (semester) schedule resulting in all PHS students following the same academic schedule. 

  • English EOC - The English EOC moved from being required at the end of English 1 to being required at the conclusion of English 2 during the 2019-2020 school year.  This course examination change resulted in 10th-grade students becoming the majority of test takers instead of previous years where 9th-grade students were the majority of test takers. Currently, the English 2 EOC is administered to 9th-grade English 2 Honors students and 10th-grade English 2 students. PHS’s English 2 EOC data conveys growth from year to year as well as scores higher than the state average.

    • Focus on Learning and Continual Improvement:

      • Continual growth over the past 5-year timeframe even through the change of state standards and course change for EOC exam administration.

      • Formulated vertical collaborative teams to ensure continuity and a focus on literacy.

      • Added an English position during the 23-24 school year reducing class sizes to assist with Tier 1 Intervention. 

      • Established a Literacy Team comprised of members from all content areas to research and assist in the implementation of best practices/strategies/skills with content vocabulary being the first learning target.

      • All English collaborative teams utilize the software “No Red Ink” with fidelity to support Tier 1, 2, and 3 Intervention.

      • The PLC process has afforded insight regarding the necessity for all students to have access to on-grade or above curriculum; therefore, PHS made the decision for the 2023-2024 school year to discontinue the remedial course for English 1 (English 1 Read 180) in order to ensure all students have access to on-grade level content.

      • After analyzing student data, additional support personnel (SPED/ML teachers) are strategically placed in specific English 2 classrooms to assist during Tier 1 instruction. In addition, the same support personnel are available to assist with Tier 2 instruction during FLEX as well as with Tier 3 instruction during their FLEX planning period.  

  • Math EOC - The Algebra 1 EOC is administered at the conclusion of Algebra 1, Algebra 1 Honors, or its equivalent to 8th, 9th, and 10th grade students. Algebra 1 standards were updated 5 years ago and will be updated again during the 2024-2025 school year.

    • Focus on Learning and Continual Improvement:

      • During the 2022-2023 school year, the state released a draft of the new standards and the potential to change the sequence of high school math courses. After research and discussions with the PHS Guiding Coalition and PHS math collaborative teams, it was determined that the change of sequence was best for students regardless of if mandated by the state; therefore, PHS restructured its high school math offerings for the 2023-2024 school year.  For this reason, the 2023-2024 freshman class will begin their high school math sequence by taking Geometry instead of Algebra 1.  Beginning the high school math sequence with Geometry affords all freshmen access to on-grade level Geometry content while simultaneously revisiting and building pre-Algebra concepts through modeling and contextual understanding both of which will assist students in learning Algebra 1 and taking the Algebra 1 EOC the following school year.  

        • NEW PHS Math Course Sequence: 

          • 9th-grade: Geometry with an emphasis on pre-Algebra

          • 10th-grade: Algebra 1

          • 11th-grade: Algebra 2

          • 12th-grade: Probability & Statistics or Pre-Calculus

        • PREVIOUS PHS Math Course Sequence:

          •  9th-grade: Algebra 1

          • 10th-grade: Algebra 2

          • 11th-grade: Geometry

          • 12th-grade: Probability & Statistics or Pre-Calculus 

      • The PLC process has afforded insight regarding the necessity for all students to have access to on-grade or above curriculum; therefore, PHS made the decision for the 2023-2024 school year to discontinue all remedial math courses and Algebra 1 equivalency courses (Transitions to Algebra, Foundations in Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, and Applied courses) in order to ensure all students have access to on-grade level content. Due to state regulations regarding graduation requirements, students previously earning a Foundations in Algebra credit must be subsequently enrolled in Intermediate Algebra.  For this reason, during the 2023-2024 school year, four sections of Intermediate Algebra are scheduled in order to ensure necessary students fulfill state requirements; however, all off-grade level courses will also be discontinued upon conclusion. 

      • After analyzing student data, additional support personnel (SPED/ML teachers) are strategically placed in ALL Algebra 1 classrooms to assist during Tier 1 instruction. In addition, the same support personnel are available to assist with Tier 2 instruction during FLEX as well as with Tier 3 instruction during their FLEX planning period. 

      • After analyzing student data, teaching assignments were issued in such a way that math courses are taught by teachers who are considered experts in regard to course content knowledge and expertise in order to positively impact student learning and collaborative teams. 

      • PHS Math EOC scores are higher than state averages in every year represented in the data.

  • Science EOC - The Biology 1 EOC is administered at the conclusion of Biology 1 and Biology 1 Honors to all 9th-grade students. In 2017-2018, Biology 1 EOC data conveys PHS exceeded district and state averages; in 2018-2019, Biology 1 EOC data conveys PHS exceeded state averages. In 2021-2022, Biology EOC data conveys PHS exceeded district standards even though this cohort of students missed learning pre-biology standards during their 7th-grade year due to COVID-19. The decline in Biology 1 scores is a direct correlation to the lack of in-class instruction. 

    • Focus on Learning and Continual Improvement:

      • The PLC process has afforded insight regarding the necessity for all students to have access to on-grade or above curriculum; therefore, PHS made the decision for the 2023-2024 school year to discontinue remedial Biology courses in order to ensure all students have access to on-grade level content.  

      • The PHS Biology data conveys continual growth over the last five years as presented within the PHS spreadsheet. 

      • Over the past two years, Biology collaborative teams have determined essential standards for the newly implemented standards as well as developed new CFAs and CSAs to ensure continuity and rigor in order to maintain continual growth as new standard implementation occurs during the 2023-2024 school year.

      • After analyzing student data, additional support personnel (SPED/ML teachers) are strategically placed in specific Biology 1 classrooms to assist during Tier 1 instruction. In addition, the same support personnel are available to assist with Tier 2 instruction during FLEX as well as with Tier 3 instruction during their FLEX planning period.  

  • History EOC - The US History EOC is administered at the conclusion of United States History and Constitution, United States History and Constitution Honors, and AP United States History to all 11th-grade students. US History EOC data indicates continued growth from year to year with a slight decline in the 2020-2021 school year; however, US History EOC student achievement data rebound during the 2021-2022 school year. PHS US History EOC scores exceeded district and state scores over the past five years with a slight decline at the district level during the 2021-2022 school year.

    • Focus on Learning and Continual Improvement:

      • PHS US History scores exceeded state data over the past five years of data collection.

      • PHS US History collaborative teams continue to dissect standards and determine the depth of knowledge levels for which standards must be taught, learned, and assessed for all identified essential standards. 

      • After analyzing student data, additional support personnel (SPED/ML teachers) are strategically placed in specific United States History and Constitution classrooms to assist during Tier 1 instruction. In addition, the same support personnel are available to assist with Tier 2 instruction during FLEX as well as with Tier 3 instruction during their FLEX planning period.   



  • N/A indicates that the population tested was less than 10%; therefore, the data was not reported.

  • During the 2019-2020 school year, all subgroups indicated growth compared to the previous school year’s data. The African-American subgroup was identified as the subgroup with the largest growth compared to the previous reported year.

  • During the 2020-2021 school year, the overall average score increased and all reported subgroups exceeded the previous reported year. 

  • During the 2021-2022 school year, the Hispanic subgroup was identified as the subgroup with the largest growth compared to the previous reported year. 

  • During the 2022-2023 school year, ALL subgroups indicated growth among 10th-grade test takers.


Career Readiness Assessment

The Career Readiness Assessment consists of three categories of which each is awarded one of four levels of Career Readiness: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. To be recognized as Career Ready, students must achieve an overall level of at least Bronze. A student’s overall Career Readiness level is based on their lowest score in any of the three categories. For example, a student scoring Platinum level in 2 categories and Bronze level in 1 category earns an overall score of Bronze. PHS strives to equip students with the necessary tools to score Silver level or above on the Career Readiness Assessment in order to meet/exceed proficiency as employers have indicated this level is necessary for employment. 

  • The data indicates a decrease each year in the Bronze level resulting in an increase in Silver, Gold, and Platinum levels. 

  • The data also indicates that PHS exceeded state achievement each year in Silver, Gold, and Platinum levels. 

  • PHS data also conveys comparable scores to district data in all categories as well as exceeding in categories during specific years. 

  • The 2022-23 school year indicates a significant increase in the number of students achieving Gold level as well as a positive in all other levels. 

  • The 2022-23 school year conveys PHS’s achievement data meeting or exceeding the district and/or the state achievement data.


Senior Data TAB


ACT (Graduating Senior Report)

Palmetto High School administers the ACT college readiness assessment to students during their third year of high school. The data included within the spreadsheet was not reported until the student’s graduation year.  For example, during the 2019-2020 school year, 3rd-year high school students took the ACT; however, this data was not reported until the 2020-2021 school year when the students were graduating seniors. All third-year students have the option to choose between the ACT assessment or SAT assessment as well as the choice to not test. Guardians and third-year students are required to convey their choices at the onset of the school year.

  • All data highlighted green indicates that PHS maintained or increased college readiness achievement when compared to previous school data or the district average. In most cases, averages are higher than state averages as well as coincide with or exceed National averages.

  • Growth in each subject is conveyed from year to year. PHS maintained continuous growth through the 2020-2021 school year of COVID-19 protocols.

  • The 2022-23 school year student achievement averages are consistent with previously reported data. 

  • The number of students choosing to test using the ACT assessment continues to decrease as more students select the SAT assessment as their college readiness indicator.


SAT (Graduating Senior Report)

Likewise to the ACT college readiness assessment is the SAT assessment. The SAT assessment is administered to students during their third year of high school. All third-year students have the option to choose between the ACT assessment or SAT assessment as well as the choice to not test. Guardians and third-year students are required to convey their choices at the onset of the school year.

  • All data highlighted green indicates an increase in PHS mean scores from year to year and/or indicates PHS met or exceeded state and National averages. 

  • PHS maintained or increased student achievement data through the 2020-2021 school year of COVID protocols.

  • The 2022-2023 school year conveys growth in both math and evidence of reading skills year over year.  In addition, the SAT overall composite score increased.


AP Scores

PHS students are afforded the opportunity to enroll in AP courses as well as take an AP examination at the conclusion of the course in order to earn college credit.

  • Students were enrolled in AP Human Geography and AP Calculus during the Fall semester; however, the College Board does not allow students to take the AP exam until the end of the second semester.  This delay in exam administration explains the decline in AP scores due to the gap of time between the conclusion of coursework/instruction and testing.

  • All data highlighted green represents growth in the percentage of students earning a passing score from year to year. 

  • The 2022-2023 AP scores increased from previous years specifically in AP Chemistry, AP English Language, AP Statistics, AP US History, and AP Computer Science.

  • 100%  of students earned a passing score in Human Geography and World History Modern.


Graduation Rate

Because of the high percentage of non-diploma special education students enrolled in PHS, the highest graduation rate PHS can attain is 93%.  Of PHS’s student population, 7% of students are self-contained special education students enrolled in programs where a standard high school diploma cannot be earned. Graduation rate, as determined by the state, is required to include students enrolled in a standard diploma program as well as programs where a standard diploma is not permitted. Even though no student enrolled in PHS ID self-contained programs and many students enrolled in PHS’s self-contained program will not become independent adults, all are included in PHS’s graduation rate. Nevertheless, the state does afford subgroups of the self-contained population the opportunity to earn a state employability credential.  

  • PHS is the only high school of the three high schools within our school district that serves this population of self-contained students.

  • All data highlighted in green represents achievement growth from year to year and indicates PHS’s high graduation rates compared to state achievement data.

  • The 2022-23 school year conveys the highest graduation rate of 90% since COVID-19. An increase in PHS’s overall graduation rate is indicated as well as an increase in ALL subgroups. 


Graduation rates by Sub-groups

  • PHS’s graduation rate has increased in all subgroups with the exception of one. Specifically, some subgroups such as African American conveys a rate of 100% during the COVID-19 school year. 

  • Disabled student graduation rates exceeded the district and state average in 2021 and grew by nearly 39% from year to year.  The majority of PHS’s disabled population includes a self-contained population where a certificate/credential is issued instead of a high school diploma. The program’s inability to issue a high school diploma negatively affects PHS’s graduation rate as students earning a certificate/credential are reported as non-graduates in regard to PHS’s overall graduation rate.

  • All subgroups reported increased achievement during the 2022-2023 school year. In fact, PHS’s PIP data continues to increase each school year.


AAA Varsity Competitive Cheer State Runner-Up

1 student selected for Region Band

2 Students selected for All County Band

AFJROTC Distinguished Unit with Merit Award

AFJROTC Community Service Award

Southeast Region Cadet Leadership Course Unit of Excellence Award

Theatre Selected to represent SC for International Thespian Festival

SCTA High School Theatre Festival 10th in state

Varsity Concert Choir earns "Excellent" rating at State CPA

18 students selected for SC Western Region Choir

20 students selected for Anderson 1's All-District Choir



1 Student Earned the Gold Seal of Biliteracy

4 Students Earned the Bronze Seal of Biliteracy

Marching Band 3rd Place at Byrnes Tournament of Bands

Marching Band 2nd Place at Easley Tournament of Champions

Marching Band 1st Place at Pride of Pendleton Marching Classic

1 student selected for Region Band

8 students selcted for All County Band

AFJROTC Distinguished Unit Award

AFJROTC Community Service Award

Theatre Palmetto Dramatics Association Superior

SCTA High School Theatre Festival Best Set, Best Sound

Varsity Concert Choir earns "Excellent" rating at State CPA

18 students selected for SC Western Region Choir

20 students selected for Anderson 1's All-District Choir



3 Students selected for Region Band

6 Students selected for All County Band

State Champion FFA Creed Speaking

Region 1 Champion FFA Creed Speaking

Varsity Concert Choir earns "Superior" rating at virtual State CPA

Female State Champion in High and Long Jump



Wind Ensemble Excellent at CPA

3 Students selected for Region Band

5 Students Selected for All County Band

AFJROTC Distinguished Unit Award

AFJROTC Community Service Award

Southeast Region Cadet Leadership Course Unit of Excellence Award

State Champion SCFFA Prepared Public Speaking

Gold Emblem FFA Chapter (Top 12 in SCFFA)

National FFA Semi-Finalist in Creed Speaking

Region 1 Champion FFA Prepared Public Speaking

Region 1 Champion FFA Exptemporaneous Public Speaking

Region 1 3rd Place FFA Creed Speaking

4 Students Recieve the State FFA Degree

Top 10 - State FFA Horse Evaluation

Top 10 - State FFA Livestock Judging

Softball Coach selected to as North Coach in North/South All Star game

1 Baseball player selected for region 3A all star game 

2 Softball players selected for region 3A all star game

3 Track students represented Palmetto in the State Track Championship

Female State Champion in High Jump

Male 3rd place in state 100m/ Broke school record in 100m

Softball team District 2 Champions 

4 Students earned region champions in Wrestling 

Football teams earns bid to 3A tournament 

Varsity Concert Choir earns "Excellent" rating at State CPA

Varsity Concert Choir earns "Superior" rating on sight reading at State CPA

18 students selected for SC Western Region Choir

2 students selected for the 22 SC All-State Choir

20 students selected for Anderson 1's All-District Choir

Principal  named high school athletic Administrator of the Year 2022-2023



AAA Varsity Competitive Cheer State Runner-Up

2 Students selected for Region Band

4 Students Selcted for All County Band

Marching Band 3rd Place at WCU Tournament of Champions

Marching Band 2nd Place at Byrnes Tournament of Bands

1 cadet selected for the J-100 AFJROTC Character in Leadership scholarship

Three Star National FFA Chapter Award

2nd Place in SCFFA Region 1 Tractor Operations & Safety

SCTA High School Theatre Festival 6th in state

SCTA High School Theatre Festival Best Ensemble, Best Sound/foley

PHS received a $2000 grant from DHEC for Environmental science water quality studies 

Every year NHS students complete 25 community service hours. This has included a mentorship program with Palmetto elementary, community events like Boo in the Park, and collecting items for those in need in our community 

2 Football Players selected for 3A All Region 

4 Cheerleaders selected for 3A All Region 

Varsity Boys Basketball earned a bid for the tournament 

Varsity Girls Basketball won Mistletoe Mania Christmas Tournament 

18 students selected for SC Western Region Choir

2 students selected for the 23 SC All-State Choir

25 students selected for Anderson 1's All-District Choir

PE Teacher named state PE Teacher of the Year

