For an overview of PLCs, see What Is a “Professional Learning Community”?

Successful PLCs are committed to professional learning for continuous improvement. Here you’ll find our officially recommended readings on foundational questions and implementation issues, as well as news on successful PLC districts and schools. (Note: Articles are subject to copyright laws. Please secure the permission of the copyright owner before duplicating.)

Making Small Groups Productive

Newmann, F.
Issues in Restructuring Schools 2, 1–3.

Matching Classroom Instruction With Common Assessments

Many, T.
TEPSA Journal 6–8.

Maximizing the Power of Formative Assessments

DuFour, R., & Stiggins, R.
Phi Delta Kappan 90(9), 640–644.

Multiple Mirrors: Reflections on the Creation of Professional Learning Communities

Chapman, R., Hinson, R., Hipp, K., Huffman, J., Jacoby, C., & Pankake, A.
Austin, TX: Southwest Educational Development Laboratory

A National Perspective: An Exploration of Professional Learning Communities and the Impact on School Improvement Efforts

Hughes, T. & Kritsonis, W. A.
National Forum/Doctoral Forum 1(1).

One Step at a Time: Many Professional Learning Teams Pass Through These 7 Stages

Graham, P., & Ferriter, B.
Journal of Staff Development 29(3), 38.

The Parable of the Blind Squirrel

Many, T.

Peter Senge on Organizational Learning

Newcomb, A.
The School Administrator 60(5), 20–25.

Pioneer Middle School Sets the Bar High

James, E.
The Orange County Register

The Power of Professional Learning Communities

DuFour, R., & DuFour, R.
National Forum of Educational Administration and Supervision Journa 24(1), 2-5

President's Events in Falls Church, Virginia

RushPR News

The Primacy of Superintendent Leadership

Marzano, R., & Waters, T.
The School Administrator

Principals and Teachers: Continuous Learners

Fleming, G.
Issues . . . About Change 7(2).

Principles of Leadership—Good Principals Know All Children Can Learn and Grow

Jessie, L.
Richmond Times-Dispatch

Professional Learning Communities: A Bandwagon, an Idea Worth Considering, or Our Best Hope for High Levels of Learning?

DuFour, R.
Middle School Journal 39(1), 4–8.
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