Minnieville Elementary (2018)

  1. PLC Story
  2. PLC Practices
  3. Achievement Data
  4. Awards
  5. Resources

Minnieville Elementary School is a phenomenal school located in Woodbridge, Virginia, and has been serving the community for over 40 years. Minnieville serves a highly diverse, high second language learner population and high economically disadvantaged student population.  Minnieville's Vision is that Students will Soar for Excellence!  Minnieville's Mission focuses on Committment, Collaboration and Community.

As the student population continued to become more ethnically, linguistically, and economically diverse, it was imperative that the school community seek out and implement sound instructional strategies and methodologies to ensure the professional expertise of the staff would be effectively utilized. With the support of the division and under the guidance of several effective school administrators, the professional learning community framework began to evolve and take shape to allow teachers to meet the needs of the diverse student population as state standards and accountability measures began to rise. Every aspect of the instructional decision making, instructional planning, assessment implementation, academic and behavior intervention framework, and community involvement efforts are carried out through the PLC process. Teams are empowered to collaboratively set norms, create goals, develop instructional plans, create and share resources, and share ownership over all student successes and challenges. Specific schoolwide systems have been put in place to allow transparency and clear understanding of schoolwide procedures processes for all staff. Decision making has become a shared process with staff, students and families as well. The administrative team plays a pivotal role in ongoing grade-level instructional planning meetings and data talks. Minnieville works hard to develop outside-the-box strategies and methodologies to meet the needs of an extremely diverse and academically challenging student population. Creative scheduling is collaboratively planned to ensure interventionists have the daily time needed to implement tiered interventions. Shared ownership and collaboration among reading specialists, ESOL staff, support specialists, and teachers is a part of the school culture as teams of teachers enter into classrooms to support guided reading instruction through the school's “PRESS IN” (Pushing IN Reading Exceptional Support Specialists) model. New families to the country are provided weekly classes about the American school system and through a partnership with a language learning software company, taught English as well.  In addition to this, Parents and Families are actively sought out to participate in the day to day operations of the school.  Volunteer hours are monitored and planned for. Community partnerships are also sought out to support the school. 

Like all schools with a diverse student population, challenges continue to arise. State benchmark mandates and assessments continue to evolve, and daily challenges beyond the school walls are presented. Even with these challenges, the PLC processes at Minnieville have allowed our school to continuously raise student achievement, implement effective systems for academic and behavioral interventions, meet the needs of our family community, and help shape our learners for the challenges of the 21st century.

1. Monitoring student learning on a timely basis.

As a school, Minnieville has implemented effective strategies for monitoring student learning on a timely basis. For general instruction, all grade-level teams utilize the PLC process with a standards-based team unit planning document. Before each unit-of-study teams examine the state learning objectives and pull out essential objectives that will be mastered. Essential vocabulary for the unit is also documented. Teams then co-create or revise a common formative assessment to be administered at the end of the unit. A SMART goal is created for the unit, and additional quizzes and assessments are discussed and created that will effectively monitor the learning objectives. Opportunities for support from ESOL and ENCORE teachers (e.g., art, music, computer, and PE) are also discussed as well as administrative support for the unit. Teachers then discuss, share, and document instructional strategies that can be used in the teaching of the unit. This plan is continuously shared and revised throughout the teaching of the unit. Next, the common formative assessment is given, and the results are discussed with the teachers and administration. Pass averages and pass rates are discussed as well as subgroup data (e.g., white, black, SPED, Hispanic, and ESOL). Teams then discuss whether or not their SMART goal was reached. Strategies for the students who did not meet the benchmark are discussed as well as a plan to deliver them remediation for the unit. Extension opportunities are also discussed for students who continuously meet or surpass the benchmark as well. This system is done for every unit in every subject area in every grade. 

2. Creating systems of intervention to provide students with additional time and support for learning.

Minnieville has worked hard to implement a system of tiered interventions for both academic and behavior concerns and has also looked for creative ways to schedule effective time for enhanced classroom instruction. Each student's academic and behavioral data is monitored through a classroom yearlong data spreadsheet. Student data containing reading instructional levels, math levels, ESOL levels, writing levels, behavior levels, and overall instructional averages are updated and monitored through bi-weekly informal and monthly formal intervention meetings with the administration and support specialists to determine the effectiveness of the support. At Minnieville, the primary focus is to always provide the best consistent first instruction each and every day. Each day, professional collaborative co taught instruction is provided in both Language Arts and Math instruction with Math /Reading specialists, ESOL specialists and Instructional assistants to support students and teachers with the delivery of instruction.  Due to the significant needs of students, Tier 2 and 3 services are needed.  The school has designed and allocated daily specific interventions for students in need with the highest trained staff.


Currently, 15% of Minnieville's students are provided Tier 2 instruction.  After ensuring students have received the best proactive first instruction, students are identified for Tier 2 interventions and remediation if they have not shown progress in their On Grade Level Reading growth (as measured by the DRA2 reading assessment, have not met benchmarks on the PALS phonological assessment, have consistently not passed end of unit reading/math assessments, or have previously failed state end of year Standards of Learning assessments.  In addition to academic progress, students that have acquired 2 to 3 formal behavior referrals receive interventions for social and emotional support.  These interventions are guaranteed for students during the school day during the school's "Core" block at the end of the school day.  In addition, students can also receive these remediation services in the form of additional tutoring before and after school as well.  These services are provided by the school's Reading and Math Team as well as classroom teachers who strategically regroup students during the Core block to remediate students in need of remediation.  These students progress is monitored informally every two weeks by grade level teams and formally at the end of each month to ascertain how students have grown, what additional supports may be needed, and whether or not students should continue to receive remediation services.  Some of the specific Tier 2 intervention services utilized are in the form of  "My Sidewalks" for reading comprehension and fluency, targeted fluency small groups, "PALS" phonics interventions (K-3) Title 1 small group literacy/math remediation, Math "AMC" numeracy supports, and After/Before school content support (two days per week).  For behavior concerns, students receive daily small group counseling sessions with the schools guidance team, as well as paired adult/student mentor support called "Check In/Check Out"  These remedial supports are always provided in addition to quality Tier 1 classroom instruction. These students' instructional data is monitored and discussed every 2 weeks with the grade level, ESOL and Support Specialist team


Approximately 3 to 5% of Minnieville's students receive a form of Tier 3 instruction.  When students continue to show evidence of academic and/or behavior challenges, intense daily Tier 3 services are provided.  Often times, these services are reserved for students that have qualified for special education support or are in consideration for special education services.  However, early Tier 3 interventions in grades K-2 have significantly helped support the foundational development of students.  "Reading Recovery" for example is an intense daily 30 minute reading intervention done one on one by the schools Title 1 Reading Specialist for students in first grade. Tier 3 students are also provided with an additional instructional aid that works with students to meet their goals and assist with accommodations in the general education classroom as well. Some additional Tier 3 Literacy interventions that are provided by both Special education staff and content specialists are "Wilson Reading", "Herman Reading"  and "My Sidewalks" For Math, some Tier 3 interventions consist of the "AMC" math intervention and "Math Navigator".  Once again, these interventions are provided daily for approximately one hour and are scheduled so these students miss a minimum of classroom instruction.  

It is important to state that every attempt is made that students in need of intervention and remedial services at Minnieville do not miss "Tier 1" classroom instruction.  Every scheduling attempt is made to ensure students receive intervention services in addition to first instruction.  

The majority of the school's Tier 2 interventions are provided during the CORE extension/remediation block during the last 45 minutes of the school day.  Students that are not receiving interventions and have the opportunity to attend clubs (Art, Chorus, P.E., Robotics and Broadcasting) as well as complete self initiated research activates or additional school based work. The majority of these students have already demonstrated that they have learned and mastered the content (Critical Question #4) and are provided time and support to go deeper into their learning each day.  These students are provided time with both the schools Technology teacher and School Librarian for additional learning opportunities.    

For additional information on how the school has designed it's multi tiered system of support, please reference the "Minnieville Intervention Diamond" posted under the Resources Tab.  


3. Building teacher capacity to work as members of high performing collaborative teams that focus efforts on improved learning for all students.

Professional learning community teams are an essential aspect in every area of Minnieville teams. In addition to grade-level PLC teams, the school also organizes its ESOL teachers, SPED teachers, and ENCORE teachers (e.g., art, music, PE, library, and technology) into collaborative teams as well. Effective schoolwide discipline teams, math teams, language arts teams, science/social studies teams, and community Involvement and multi cultural teams operate as well. Each team has its own SMART goal(s) that address areas of need, and specific plans and strategies are delivered and monitored to assess the effectiveness of the team's efforts. 

Grade level teams meet 3 times each week for 45 minutes. This planning block is during the students' (ENCORE, Art, Music, P.E., etc.) time. In addition to these planning times, the administration holds monthly morning vertical planning meetings for all staff for 1 hour to align instructional calendars and pacing guides, collaborate with Sped, ESOL, Encore and Support staff, share instructional strategies and discuss data based student and team progress.  During the last Friday of each month, the Reading and Math Specialists meet with each grade level team as well to discuss specific instructional progress in Reading and Math and Tier 2 student progress.    

In addition, collaboration with the school community is also vital. With its leadership team the school holds quarterly parent advisory team meetings made up of parent representatives to share schoolwide data, monitor budgetary uses, and discuss schoolwide concerns and needs. 


Achievement Data Files

Additional Achievement Data

The current data shows that significant strengths and areas of opportunity are highlighted.  These current pass rates shows that 3rd Grade Math, 4th grade English, Math, VA Studies and 5th grade English all surpass the State average.  With 5th grade Reading, Math and Science far surpassing the state average. 

The data presented is exceptionally strong and our staff, students and families are very proud of their hard work and efforts.  Currently, Minnieivlle is the highest performing Title 1 School in Prince William County and the 11th highest performig school (out of 67) in Prince William County.  Minnieville is ranked 184th out of 1,097 schools in Virginia.  

The most significant area of opportunity is in 5th grade Language Arts.  Previously, 4th grade LA averages far surpassed the state averages.  In 2016-2017 however, new boundary changes for students, changes in assessment options for ESOL students and the administration of a new state assessment in Language Arts greatly impacted student performance on this assessment.  For Title 1 schools with high economically disadvantaged and high second language learner populations, changing variables can impact student performance.  It is important for our school team to continue to pursue solutions and refine instructional practices to meet the demands of changing variables in pursuit of academic excellence.  For fifth grade specifically, additional support has been provided to assist Tier 3 students with instructional assistants and increased Tier 2 interventiona to help with various accommodations.  Science and Social Studies formative assessments have been modified as well by each team to reflect needs for non-fiction standards in lieu of traditional multiple choice style assessments.



Teacher Incentive Performance Award 2011–2012, 2012–2013, 2014-2015

TIPA is a performance-based compensation system that exists in schools with 50% or more of students qualifying for free or reduced lunch. Approximately one-third of the schools in Prince William County are eligible for TIPA and include all three levels: elementary, middle, and high. TIPA focuses on improving performance and rewarding an entire certificated staff based on the school’s performance on a set of 23 locally-developed school effectiveness criteria. These criteria include a focus on student achievement and growth, teaching force quality, and school climate.

School of Excellence Award 2012-2013, 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2017-2018

Schools earn the coveted distinction by demonstrating high levels of performance, as evaluated by state accreditation and Virginia academic Annual Measurable Objectives. Schools of Excellence must also attain an overall score of at least 90 out of 100 points on PWCS Strategic Plan-based measures. The School of Excellence distinction is the highest recognition awarded to a school by the Prince William County School Board. 

Virginia Distinguished TItle 1 School 2014-205  http://www.doe.virginia.gov/news/news_releases/2016/01_jan06.shtml

Prince William County, and Washington Post 2016-2017 Principal of the Year Nathaniel Provencio

Dale City Civic Association Teachers of the Year                                        Brian Raska, Ashley Hoyle, Angela Hunt

2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2017 Prince William County School Business Partnerships of the Year

 2017-2018 Outstanding New Teacher of the Year Award                      Ashley Hoyle

 "Is Your Community Part of Your Professional Learning Community?"  article published in the September 2018  All Things PLC magazine

Featured Presenters at                                                                            2016-2017 NAESP National Conference, Philadelphia PA                             2017-2018 National Family Engagement Summit, Richmond VA
